Abstract Acrylic Painting with Shar Young
$184.00 - $220.00
7 May to 11 June
3pm to 5pm
6 Week Course
This course is designed for anyone learning to think abstractly.
Practice colour mixing, learn about tints, and shades, and then explore the moods of colour. Paint to evoke memories and convey feelings. Integrate energetic brush strokes and deliberate colour palettes to express emotion. Use line, shape, and form to create intriguing compositions. Learn wet-on-wet techniques and dry brush techniques and explore how they play together.
About Shar Young:
With many years as a graphic designer in the newspaper and advertising industry, Shar Young has come to know drawing as a form of thinking. It is a form of viewing the world recreationally, therapeutically and commercially. Anyone can learn to draw and everyone has a need to express themselves. Drawing can be a conduit for self expression, learning, and building confidence.
Shar has over 15 years experience teaching adults of all skill levels visual arts.
- Cyan- Process or Turquoise
- Magenta_ Process or Atelier Qinacridone
- Yellow- Process or Cadmium
- Black
- White
Student acrylics are fine except for Magenta which can lack lightfastness so choose Artist quality
- 55mm Flat brush,
- No 12 Round brush
3 lidded paint bottles or a lidded palette or plate
A piece of cloth or toweling
Black oil pastel
1 - A3 or larger Canvas Panel
- Brilliant Violet (Atelier)
- 25mm Flat brush,
- Oil pastels,
- Gloss medium,
- glue stick
Note regarding payment:
When you check out we offer two options for payment - internet banking or credit card. Our preference is internet banking as:
- We get the money the next day rather than 10 days later
- We don't pay credit card fees of approximately 2%
- It's much quicker for the Centre Manager to administrate
On completing your order you'll be given the bank account number.