Our new website has launched and it includes more information and functions to make it easier for you to enjoy your arts and crafts pursuits.
Most importantly we have a new website address hat better reflects who we are....
The old website used a business address but as we are a not-for-profit organisation we wanted people to understand that. This change also means we have a new email address for the Centre...
So in future please use our new email to contact the office.
Online Store for Classes, Workshops and Programmes
The new website has a built-in store so our Classes, Workshops, Children's programmes, and even Interest Group membership can all be booked and paid online. At the moment bank deposits are setup but we will be accepting credit cards shortly. We'll keep you posted.
When you register for a class or workshop online you will be sent an email to confirm we received your request. When paying by bank deposit you will have 48 hours to make payment. If in the future you pay by credit card no further action is required by you. Once your place has been confirmed you will receive a second email.

News and Interest Groups highlighted
Our Interest Groups now have their own page so each Group is now highlighted, and includes information about the Group, and when it meets. Why not join another one! We also have News prominently shown to make sure everyone know what's happening across the Centre. We will continue to send email updates at the start of each term so if you are on our emailing list you won't miss out.
Updates to Policies
With the launch of the new website we have taken the opportunity to update our Privacy policy and our Terms and Conditions. These now clearly state how we protect your personal information (we don't share it at all) and important things like how to qualify for a refund, and ensuring your health and safety when visiting the Centre. These policies are available to read at the bottom of each page on this website. A printed copy is also available at the Centre.