Orizome Surface Design with Yvonne de Mille
Morning Session
9:00 am to 12:00 pm
All Materials Provided
Explore the effects of Orizomi geometric paper folding and dying to create beautiful colour combinations and patterns. Learn various ways to fold and dye washi paper. Practice how to achieve the best absorption of dyes. Play with the endless possibilities of colourful patterns. Unfolding the paper after dyeing to reveal the pattern is always a happy surprise!
About Yvonne de Mille
Yvonne is an artist working in her community of Otaki on the Kapiti Coast, New Zealand. She works in a number of different media, including painting, printmaking, Installation art, fabric and other sculpture. Yvonne is also an experienced event organiser and workshop facilitator, she has trained in various art therapies, has a Certificate in The Art of Health - Taruna College, and a Bachelor of Applied Art - Whitireia NZ, Wellington.
Her recent work explores; Love – nature vs. nurture, the vagaries of human nature and its influence on the innocence of youth. The Irresistible force of war. The invisibility of the aged in western culture.
Yvonne is passionate about building community and works with schools, corporations, health institutions, community groups and art groups, - making kites and running art workshops with adults and children. Yvonne has organised many kite days and festivals and has made kites for dignitaries, corporations, musicians and politicians including former Prime Minister David Lange.
Yvonne was the instigator of the - now annual – Otaki Kite Festival and was a key organiser of the inaugural event in March 2013. This event brings together local businesses, school children and members of the local and wider community. It introduces international kite flyers, who share their knowledge and culture by interacting with the Otaki and wider community.