Progressing with Watercolours - with Robyn Eastgate-Manning
$196.00 - $235.00
7 May to 11 June
8-week class
This 8-week course is for painters who are familiar with the basics and want to progress their knowledge of watercolour painting.
The class consists of two hours of tuition from 9.45 to 11.45 am and half an hour of studio time, during which students are encouraged to continue painting.
Robyn demonstrates a wide range of techniques and tailors class content based on the desires of her students.
Materials required for the course:
You will need the following paint colours as a base then others that Robyn suggests for various classes:
- A warm red eg cadmium red
- A cool red eg alizarin crimson
- A warm yellow eg cadmium yellow
- A cool yellow eg lemon yellow
- A warm blue eg cobalt blue
- A cool blue eg ultramarine blue
- Burnt umber
- Burnt Sienna
You will also need:
A palette for mixing paint, or a plain white plate works also works well.
Your paper ideally needs to be 300gsm to take lots of water without buckling. A3 size is good and A4 for smaller scale exercises.
Masking tape to hold it down the paper. We have some boards here to use. They need to be put back at the end of the session please.
A set of brushes – a size 12 or 14 round or larger if you have one, a size 6 round and a ¾ or 1” flat. for the term to keep your initial outlay down, or bring what you already have.
A notebook and pen for notes.
A soft 2B pencil for sketching and a kneadable eraser is useful for softly erasing artist quality paper.
Note regarding payment:
When you check out we offer two payment options - internet banking or credit card. Internet banking is preferred. We pay fees for credit card payments.
On completing your order you'll be given the bank account number.